Kansas Free Press 2/13/2020

Kansas Free Press 2/13/2020

Soros-Tied Group Run by Top Dem Operatives Promotes Global Leftist Agenda

Judicial Watch – Another influential group aiming to spread leftist billionaire George Soros’ radical global agenda has popped up in the United States. It’s called the Transatlantic Democracy Working Group (TDWG) and it is an offshoot of the Soros-funded German Marshall Fund, a liberal foreign policy think tank based in Washington D.C The TDWG is operated by dozens of former senior government bureaucrats, national security experts and human rights advocates, including former Obama administration officials…..

Pg 2: Barr: Justice Dept. is collecting Ukraine info from Giuliani

Pg 3: Four Kansas Republicans Stopped Their Party’s Anti-Abortion Bill, But GOP Says It’s Not Over

Pg 4: Kansas Could Be The Next State To Make More Evidence Public In Fatal Police Shootings

Pg 5: Emails Show Involvement of Peter Strzok and Liza Page in Launching of Crossfire Hurricane